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Apple Orchard

Common Questions

      Here are some on the more common questions we get asked. 

Your visit:

What form of payments do you accept?

Credit card, cash or check.


Is the farm handicap accessible?

Yes, while the front porch is not accessible, the door on the south side is accessible. There is a 2" rounded curb at the bottom of the door. 

You may u-pick, but be aware the orchard has rough spots and slopes.

It may get very crowded in the store on weekends, and the store is small.

The port-a-pot is not accessible.

Can I bring my dog?

Yes, but it must be kept on a leash, and you can to have to clean up after it. 


Is there a bathroom?

Yes, we have a public port-a-pot, and an outdoor sink for hand washing.


Do you do tours?

Yes, we do tours for schools and public groups, (Master Gardeners, senior homes, etc.), but there must be a minimum of  15 students (schools), or 15 adults, (groups). Call (563) 687-2298 to set up a day and time. Tours are free.


Are there any rules we should follow when we visit?

Yes, there is a list of rules and pointers for a good visit on the u-pick page.


Can I do a photo shoot?

Yes, but call first, (563)687-2298, to set up a day and time. There is no cost.


Can I have my wedding at the orchard?

No, because you might not want it here - we do not have the facilities to handle a crowd, (restrooms, electricity, water). And we don't have buildings to house a crowd in bad weather. We have had a few proposals though!








Do we grow all of the fruit that we have for sale here?

Yes, We grow all of our own apples. We do not buy and resell.


Do you spray?

The short answer is yes. Usually what customers mean to ask, is are the apples organic? Organic apples are sprayed with organic-based chemicals. We practice IPM, which is a combination of conventional sprays with organic methods, to get the most effective cover yet keep the pesticide levels low. We spray much less than grocery store bought apples.


What do you do with the small apples? 

We make them into our cider, our jams and jellies, and baked goods.


What do you do with the apples on the ground?

We cannot sell them for human consumption once they touch the ground, so we collect as many as we can for farm and wildlife animal food.


How do I store apples when I get home?

Store them in the refrigerator in a plastic bag with a few holes in it. Keep them cold, 34 degrees is good. 


How long will my apples keep (in the fridge)?

It depends on the variety. Jonagold have about 1-2 months, Pink Lady will last til spring. Click on the button to get our cooking chart. It also has a storage life chart. 



Is the cider pasteurized?

No, we sell "fresh" cider which is unpasteurized. We have a host of safety measures in place to ensure that our cider is safe, and follow all state guidelines. But health guidelines recommend that infants and people with health issues do not drink fresh cider.


How long does cider keep (in the fridge)?

Cider has a life span similar to milk, about 1-2 weeks. It will start to taste like vinegar when it turns. (It actually will turn to vinegar eventually.)






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